Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, April 26, 2010

Not the weekend I was hoping for......

This past weekend was my last weekend before I return to work this Wednesday. We had plans to go to St. Joe, putt putt on Friday with Christie and Skyler, Zumba on Saturday with Christie and Shanin, and party at Josh Matthias' wedding Saturday night. Well, the majority of our plans were foiled when I started getting sick Friday night, and it wasn't pretty.... Larry had cooked a delicious meal of fried chicken with all the trimmings. We had a great time eating and laughing while the cousins played. Kealy, Gracie, Leah, and Madison
After dinner, Skyler picked us up and we had an intense game of putt putt at Cool Crest. I think we all know how competitive Eric is and how he HATES to lose. Poor guy lost to Christie's boyfriend! To add injury to insult we were surrounded by some of St. Joe's finest on the golf course. The classiest of white trash....smokin', cussin', and just being plain annoying the whole time.
Us girls might not of won, but we put up a good fight! Usually we make the loser buy ice cream, but we were being cheap and just headed back home for some milkshakes. That's when my tummy took a turn for the worse. I just didn't feel good and decided to go to bed. I was up most of the night to and from the bathroom and I'll spare you the gruesome details, but let's just say I was either in bed, or in the bathroom most of the day Saturday. No Zumba. No wedding. Sad!!!! Eric contemplated just going back home, but I assured him my stomach wasn't up for the ride. I felt sick just walking downstairs. So we camped out at Larry and Paula's and were very grateful for the extra help. I started to feel better in the evening, so Eric went ahead and went to the reception for a little while.
Madie eating dinner at Grandma's
Grandpa and Kealy watchin' some Royal's baseball
Saturday morning cartoons with Kaiden and his friends.
I'm still not quite up to par, but feeling much better. Wednesday is the big day.....back to the grind. I will say, this has been the best maternity leave ever!!! I've finally learned to take the time to RELAX, snuggle my little love bug, scrapbook, shop, nap, or just do whatever I feel and it has been glorious! Perhaps too glorious! Eric is more than ready for me to go back! And deep down, I'm probably ready too. After all, I do love my job and we have several exciting events coming up this next month...Women's Heart luncheon and health fair, as well as the American Heart walk. Sponsor me if you can by clicking the link at the top of my page! THANKS!!!!!

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